Condo-Home-Commercial-Insurance Inspections, Drone Aerial Photography: Perdido Key-Destin-Pensacola Beach-Navarre-Fort-Walton
Beach Realty: About


I'm a consumer advocate with a lifetime of real estate experience, including 20+ years inspecting condos, homes, apartment buildings, etc. I grew-up working in the real estate industry, my mom was a real estate broker, property manager, construction supervisor, etc. My jobs as a teenager consisted of working at single-family construction sites and maintaining multi-family & commercial properties. I enjoy the outdoors, meeting people...I love animals and traveling.

If you have a real estate related question, contact me anytime.

Wayne Moore, Florida Condo-Home Inspector
 Wayne Moore
·  Lic. Home Inspector, HI-7584
·  FAA Certified UAS-Remote Pilot
·  Lic. Real Estate Broker (Referrals)
·  ASHI Certified Inspector, ACI 2004  
·  Insurance Loss Control Inspector Cert.
·  Certified Rehabilitation Inspector, SBCCI
·  Lic. Community Assoc. Manager (Inactive)
·  Certified PCO - Termites-Household-Industrial
·  Commercial Real Estate Inspector, FREA
·  EPA Radon Measurement Proficiency
·  FL Wind Mitigation Certificate
·  Lead Hazards in Residences
·  Asbestos Building Inspector

"Experience Matters"

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